COUNCILLORS are set to make a decision on plans to replace a ‘rotten’ down-pipe at the Town Hall.

The council’s application for the west annexe of the listed site will come before the development management committee at its meeting on Thursday.

It proposes the replacement of the ‘rotten, broken and leaking’ down-pipe.

The replacement would be ‘like for like in material and aesthetics’.

The committee is recommended to delegate power to grant the listed building consent subject to ‘no further substantive representations’ being received from the press notice, which ‘raise matters not covered’ in the report that will come before members.

The report the committee says: “The proposal involves the removal of an existing downpipe and its like for like replacement.

“The fabric of the downpipe is in a poor state of repair, and appears to be blocked with plant matter in some sections.

“The removal of the downpipe would cause some harm to the significance of the listed building as it would involve the removal of some historic fabric.

“However, it is considered this harm would be less than substantial as the majority of the building would be unaffected by the proposals.

“In addition, there would be a clear benefit in replacing the existing pipe due to the extent of its deterioration. Its replacement would allow for the continued viable use of the building and would help to keep it in a good state of repair due to the impacts of inadequate drainage on the surrounding listed fabric.

“On balance, it is considered that the benefits of the proposal outweigh the extent of works to be undertaken.

The proposed works to the Grade I Listed building have been described as ‘essential’ repair and maintenance works, which ‘assures the long-term condition and viability of this historic asset of the highest importance’.