A LIST of restrictions have been imposed on a dog after it injured a woman while ‘dangerously out of control’

Its owner, Jordan Clayton has also been handed unpaid work for the incident in Warrington, as well as for damaging property.

The 26-year-old, of Widnes, was charged with being the owner of a dangerously out of control dog, breach of a non-molestation order and two counts of criminal damage in St Helens.

He appeared to be sentenced at Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, November 15, where he learnt his fate for his offending.

Yvonne Dobson, prosecuting, explained how the first offence of criminal damage occurred on May 16 in St Helens, where he damaged a window.

The following day, he damaged a front door in the town, with the value of both offences being £1,380.

He also committed two offences in Warrington on July 17 involving Juke, a Belgian Malinois dog.

On Manchester Road, Juke injured a woman while ‘dangerously out of control’, with Clayton ‘threaten or using unlawful violence’ towards the woman, as prohibited by a non-molestation order.

Clayton, of Kipling Crescent in Widnes, pleaded guilty to all charges and was sentenced by magistrates to a two-year community order.

This includes 33 days of the Building Better Relationships programme, 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 135 hours of unpaid work.

In addition, he was ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £95 and costs of £720 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Juke meanwhile was ordered to be kept under proper control by being muzzled and on a lead in a public place.

He must also only be in the charge of a person over 18 in a public place, be microchipped and be registered at a vets.

Any breaches of these conditions could see the dog be destroyed.