POLICE say they will not tolerate people possessing weapons in Warrington town centre.

It comes after two youths were arrested last night after being caught with blades by officers.

More Cheshire Police officers are being deployed to the town centre, as well as the town’s two main train stations, over the Christmas period as part of Project Servator.

Uniformed and plain clothed officers are being assisted by colleagues in other specialist roles, including the dog section, firearms and CCTV operators – and this is already bearing fruit.

In a statement last night, Thursday, the force’s Warrington Police team said: “Do you know where your children are tonight?

“Another two youths have been arrested on Bridge Street this evening for having a bladed article in a public place after being seen on CCTV.

“Do not be the parent that gets a call from the custody sergeant to say your child is in a cell. Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in the town centre.”

This comes after officers arrested a man earlier that day after staff at B&M at the Cockhedge Centre reported a theft of children’s dolls.

Three other weapon arrests were made in the town centre on Wednesday evening, with a dispersal order also issued to remove youths from the vicinity.

Warrington Police officers added on Wednesday: “A male and a female have been arrested for possession of an offensive weapon after an excellent spot by town centre CCTV.

“A dispersal order has been granted until 1am. Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in Warrington town centre.

“Another male has been sighted by the town centre CCTV operator, and he has now been arrested for possession of an offensive weapon.

“A number of dispersals are being issued to some youths who will now have to leave the town centre.”