A TEENAGER is gearing up to challenge for top spot in the sport of cyclocross.

Priestley College student Hannah McClorey is currently sixth in the national series rankings, but is aiming higher.

“I love competing and just want to keep improving,” she said.

“The competition is great, but it has also helped me to make friends with people from all over the country.”

Cyclocross competitors meet once a month to compete in national events.

It means Hannah, who studies A-levels in geography, PE and sociology at Priestley College, racks up the miles before she even starts a race, with competitions taking place across the UK.

The former Sandymoor School pupil described her discipline as a combination of road cycling and mountain biking.

Cyclists race across fields and through woods, usually getting plastered with mud in the process.

For Hannah, who plans to go on to study geography at the University of Manchester, that is just part of the fun.

Priestley College sport tutor Katie Radford paid tribute to Hannah’s achievements so far.

“Hannah shows the type of dedication to her sport and studies that we see in many students at Priestley and we are extremely proud of her achievements,” said Katie.

“We are sure that as she progresses to the senior competition Hannah will continue to put in the hard work required to excel at elite levels of sport.”