TWO youths were involved in a fight which led to one teen being left with a bleed on the brain.

Brandon Cain and Luke Wilkinson were part of a fight between two large groups of men outside The Station House in Padgate.

Cain, of Tyne Close, Orford, and Wilkinson, of St Mawgan Court, Padgate, appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court last Thursday.

Prosecuting, Leanne Gallagher said the incident happened on December 5, 2020.

She said that the incident involved two large groups of men and it started with an argument after Cain ‘had a word’ with a member of the other group.

One of the groups were asked to leave as a result and after a while, the party including Cain and Wilkinson, who were both 18 at the time, left.

Warrington Guardian:

The court heard how the argument then ‘spilled into violence’ where Cain, 20, threw a number of punches and Wilkinson, 20, threw one.

Ms Gallagher heard how the fight resulted in one teen being left with a bleed on the brain.

Both have no previous convictions.

Defending, Ian Waites said: “Both of them had just turned 18 and it was their first night in a licensed premises as legal drinkers.”

He told the court how after one party was asked to leave, the group including Cain and Wilkinson waited inside for a while so that the others could leave the area – but they were still outside when they eventually left.

Mr Waites said that during the fight, Cain noticed one of his friends was on the floor so tried to shield him. But while doing so, he was kicked around three times which resulted in him being taken to the hospital for scans.

He said how Wilkinson only threw one punch which ‘may’ not have even connected.

“It just seems to me that it is a one-off incident and entirely out of character,” Mr Waites added.

“They do not seek to justify their actions and are sorry for what happened.”

Concluding, district judge John McGarva said: “I have watched the footage and it was an unpleasant incident involving wide-scale violence outside a pub.

“You were both very young at the time the offence took place.

“It could be that you were immature at the time.

“It gives me a bit of encouragement that it was a one-off.”

Both defendants were handed a 12-month community order and both must complete 200 hours of unpaid work.

They must also pay £120 court costs and a £95 surcharge.