AN illegal immigrant has been locked up after being found with tens of thousands of pounds worth of drugs in Warrington.

Albanian national Astrit Kullsi entered the country illegally and was caught engaging in the unlawful enterprise near the town centre.

The 33-year-old was also armed with a knife after being stopped by police, and he is now behind bars.

Kullsi was charged with possession of cannabis with intent to supply and possession of a knife in public, and he appeared to be sentenced at Chester Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, November 9.

The court heard from prosecutor Alan Currums how the defendant was caught on Napier Street on November 2 with a quantity of the controlled class B drug cannabis.

According to experts, this had a street value of between £16,000 and £28,000, set to be dealt on the streets of Warrington.

Officers also found that he was in possession of a retractable red knife without good reason or lawful authority.

Magistrates took his guilty plea into account, however they remarked that there was no realistic alternative to immediate custody.

This was due to the offences being ‘so serious’ that only a custodial sentence can be justified, as well as the defendant performing a ‘key role’ in a large drug dealing operation.

Kullsi, whose address was given in court as Mersey Street in the town centre, was sentenced to 12 months in prison.

Orders were also approved for the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis, and to deprive the defendant of the knife.

No order was imposed for court costs due to immediate custody being imposed, however he must pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £187.