MAJOR improvements are planned at one of Warrington's best loved nature spots.

The next phase of work at the Trans Pennine Trail (TPT) in Lymm is about to get under way – and the council is seeking the views of residents on the plans.

As reported previously in the Warrington, the first upgrade took place earlier this year and now funding has been awarded for phase two. This will see major improvements being made to the trail between the ranger cabin and the Camsley Lane subway.

Design work has now begun on this phase, which aims to provide an improved all weather surface which would benefit people walking, cycling, and those using mobility scooters and wheelchairs. In addition, the existing A frame barriers on Star Lane would be removed and replaced by new access controls.

As in phase 1 of the scheme (which runs between Whitbarrow Road and Reddish Lane), phase 2 will see the use of an innovative new surface. Instead of tarmac, the proposals are to use a mixture of recycled rubber from vehicle tyres and natural stone aggregate which forms a hard wearing but porous surface.

The benefits of this type of surface is that has a much lower environmental footprint, requiring less tree removal and allowing for better drainage.

Two drop-in exhibitions have been arranged, to give people the opportunity to see the plans, get information, make comments and have their questions answered by members of the project team. These take place on:

• Tuesday 15 November, between 4pm and 7m. at Lymm Village Hall

• Saturday 19 November, between 10am and 1pm, at the ranger cabin on Statham Avenue

In addition, 3,600 letters have been delivered to all residents and businesses in this area of Lymm, providing further details about the plans.

Warrington Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for transportation, highways and public realm, Cllr Hans Mundry, said: “Phase 1 of the TPT upgrade in Lymm has been a real success, making this important active travel route more inclusive. We’re delighted to be working with Sustrans again to deliver the phase 2 improvements.

“As in phase 1, the phase 2 improvements will make this part of the trail more accessible for everyone, providing a smoother, more weather resistant surface, and removing the old-style barriers that can make using the trail much more difficult for people with disabilities.

“We are now at the design stage of this phase of the project, and we’re keen to hear people’s views. Please get involved in the consultation and have your say. Your feedback will help inform the design, so we can deliver a first-class scheme for everyone who uses the trail.”

The council is now inviting comments and feedback from the public on the TPT phase 2 plans. You can get involved in the consultation, which runs until November 30, by visiting and completing the online survey.