A BULLY who beat his ex-partner up in front of their child has been spared jail.

Liam Brodrick left his victim feeling unsafe in her own home after repeatedly punching her in the head.

But he claimed he ‘blacked out’ after drinking four cans of beer and couldn’t recall the incident.

The 25-year-old appeared before Liverpool Crown Court last Friday after pleading guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Prosecuting, Chris Taylor said that Brodrick, of Dean Crescent, Orford, was in a relationship with the victim for four years – but this ended in 2021.

On July 30 this year, Brodrick asked his ex-girlfriend if he could visit her flat where their two children were.

Mr Taylor said that while he was there, he started bringing up their relationship and was talking about getting back together so the victim asked him to leave – but he refused so she threatened to call either his mum or the police.

The court heard that Brodrick responded ‘what is my mum going to do?’ so the victim got her phone to call the police.

But as she picked up her phone, Brodrick took it out of her hand and threw it before grabbing her hair and punching her to the side of the face while their two-year-old child was sat there.

The victim moved her son out of the way and Brodrick let go.

Mr Taylor told Liverpool Crown Court how Brodrick then picked up a wooden chair and threw it towards the victim and the child – but it fortunately missed them.

The victim then tried to push the defendant out of the flat while he was at the doorway, but he pushed his way back in.

He grabbed the woman and pushed her to the floor before punching her ‘repeatedly’ in the face while she was on her back.

After around two minutes, Brodrick got off the victim and she managed to push him out the door.

She suffered from bruises and swelling shown by ‘very nasty’ images.

Mr Taylor read a victim impact statement out to the court where the victim claimed Brodrick became ‘emotionally and verbally’ abusive throughout their relationship.

She said how she was ‘always on edge’ when he was around and that she does not feel safe in her own home anymore.

The court also heard how the victim sometimes has flashbacks and panic attacks when going into the hallway of her flat as this is where she was attacked.

“He made me feel worthless,” the statement said.

“I do not understand why he would do this to his family.”

Defending, Milena Bennett said: “Mr Brodrick’s guilty plea is probably the best mitigation for him.”

Ms Bennett said that her client has accepted ‘full culpability’ and says he cannot remember the incident and had a blackout.

“He is extremely remorseful and has finally realised how serious the offence is,” she added.

“He is a young man of previous good character, he has not had any brush with custody.”

Concluding, Judge Robert Trevor-Jones said: “You grabbed and punched her several times and carried on attacking her while on the floor.

“This was in front of your son.”

Judge Trevor-Jones said how Brodrick’s offending has had a difficult impact on both the victim and his child.

Brodrick was handed a 16-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months.

He must complete up to 35 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 180 hours of unpaid work.

Brodrick was also issued with a 10-year restraining order against the victim.