TRIBUTES have been paid to a Warrington legend who 'left a wonderful impression on so many’.

Peter McLean sadly passed away earlier this week and was living in supported accommodation in the town centre at the time.

The 51-year-old was a familiar face in Warrington and hundreds of residents have paid tribute to him.

From being described as a true gentleman to a local treasure, Peter will certainly be missed.

I remember him as a little boy who moved in across the road from me with his sister. They had both lost their mum. It's very sad, but looking at the comments he left a wonderful impression on so many.

Lisa Pritchard

Pete was a great man. He helped my brother John and my mum always had a little chat with him. He never wanted a council flat, he got offered plenty of times. Such a lovely person.

Helen Kennedy

Awww, so sad, he went to my high school, RIP Pete.

Tina Gamble

Nooooooooo my family will be absolutely gutted, my dad took a beautiful portrait of him a few years ago and they chatted whenever they crossed paths. Rest in peace Pete from me and mine.

Emma Louise Machin-Rowe

Had lots of chats with him… very clever man and always kind to my children. He told me and my wife that he couldn’t not wake up and hear the birds singing and that his life was beautiful.

Troy Brophy

RIP Pete. I spoke with him many times when I was doing work next to the church. I got him a McDonald’s every day, he was a nice guy.

Ste Tyler

So very sad. I bought him a new sleeping bag last Christmas because he didn't have a decent one. He was such a polite man despite his position. RIP Pete you'll be missed.

Trish Janeway Phillips

Only spoke to him a couple of weeks ago while walking through town. His battle is over.

Lee Walton

These comments show what a truly lovely chap he was. Fly high Pete, a local treasure that will be missed by many.

Khelsi Price

Rip Peter. He was such a lovely guy used to sit with him on a Sunday and other times when I was in town.

Linda Ferguson

RIP Pete, a true gentleman.

Sara Louise Buckley

RIP Pete. Such a lovely man who would do anything for anyone.

Julie Murphy

You have now gained your angel wings that have taken you to heaven but were an angel while here on earth for you had time for anyone, always polite and for those who took just a moment to interact with you be it a drink, something to eat or just a kind word each of us were honoured that our paths crossed. RIP may memories of you live forever.

Kay Worrall

In shock, I only spoke to him and gave him some money last week. RIP Pete.

Sue O’Neill

So sad RIP. Many a conversation had with him in Bold Street homeless cafe. Such a gentleman.

Sharon Elizabeth Crosby

I'm sorry to hear this he was a good man we spoke many of times whilst I was on duty RIP mate.

Steven Pickavance

The many stories he would tell you such a nice soul i hope your with family and friends up there.

Jane Wellings

Aww so sad. Wonder if he ever knew how iconic he was in Warrington. A huge part of Warrington's social history. Quiet, unassuming, inoffensive, sleep-tight Pete.

Ceri Hutchinson