THERE has been a fall in reported violent and sexual offences in Warrington since the summer.

That's according to the latest data available from Cheshire Constabulary. releases crime figures that indicate how many crimes have been reported in a certain area over a certain period of time.

Due to the amount of time it takes to compile information about reported crimes, there is a delay between the figures being recorded, and the figures being released.

Therefore, the most up-to-date figures released are for September 2022.

Between July this year and September, a number of reported offences fell, including violent/sexual offences and antisocial behaviour.

Violent and sexual offences fell by 30 counts between July and September, falling from 727 to 697 over the two-month period.

Antisocial behaviour fell from 274 reports in July to 189 in September.

One count of crime that did increase in reports was drug offences - they rose from 23 counts in July to 32 reports in September.

A total of 1,526 reported crimes took place in Warrington in September.

When asked for comment on crime statistics, Cheshire Constabulary said that there was a difference between reported crimes, and crimes that took place.

For example, five people could make a report for the same crime - this would register as five crimes.

However, some crimes may take place that go unreported.

When asked why a number of reports do not lead to prosecution, a Cheshire Police spokesperson said: "Cheshire Constabulary is committed to doing all it can to ensure that offenders are brought to justice.

"However, there are some cases where it is simply not possible to prosecute.

"This can be for a range of reasons, including:

  • Complaints being withdrawn
  • Victims not willing to co-operate
  • A lack of evidence
  • Initial allegations being false/a crime was not committed
  • Suspects being under the legal age for prosecution.

"There are also cases which are deemed to be not in the public interest to take to court.

"It should be noted that the figures provided on the website are only the initial statistics, and they are subject to change."