A NEW seven-storey apartment block could be built on a major gateway into the town centre.

It would fill spare land on Winwick Street near to Central Station and close to the John Street development which has stood unfinished for two years.

The seven-storey block would fit 26 apartments and a have a ground floor unit to be used as a shop or a food business.

The scheme will be discussed by councillors at next Thursday's development management committee. It has been recommended for approval.

The block would have 10 one-bed flats and 15 two-bed units.

The site is currently being used as a temporary construction compound associated for the ongoing construction works at the John Street residential development, which is also seven storeys but far larger.

Critics of the plan have objected on highway grounds and on how the completed block will look in the heritage area of Winwick Street.

How the site could look

How the site could look

One said: "The area already looks a mess given the undeveloped flats on the other side of the road. All high rise buildings in that area aesthetically will not look good."

However the application has been recommended for approval.

Planning documents state: "The proposed height of the building will be an increase in built form when compared with the existing immediate neighbouring buildings.

"However, when viewed in the wider context of Winwick Street and its junction with John Street, the overall height of the proposal will be seen against the backdrop of the John Street residential scheme.

"The proposed building has been designed taking into account these height differences with the upper floors set back to create a degree of continuity with the street frontage eaves heights.

"The application proposes the redevelopment of the site for residential use which is appropriate within the town centre location and makes efficient use of the site. It will make a positive contribution to the delivery of new homes in the borough, including Affordable Housing. The ground floor commercial unit will provide economic benefits to the town centre."

It will be discussed in the meeting on Thursday at 6pm in the Town Hall.