AREAS of Warrington which have become hotspots for anti-social behaviour will receive extra attention on Bonfire Night and surrounding days.

Warrington Borough Council’s Community Safety Team will be working with Cheshire Police and Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service to help combat ASB in pockets of the borough, which has occurred over previous years on and around November 5.

The council is also warning that while Bonfire Night can be an exciting time of the year, residents should remember to celebrate safely. 

It is also asking people to think about the significant environmental impact, with pollution and poor air quality lasting for days.

Instead of having their own bonfires or firework displays, residents are urged to consider attending an organised event to help reduce the risks to health.

Retailers stocking fireworks must be registered with the council, and each registered business has been visited by council officers to ensure that the fireworks comply with current safety standards and are stored safely.

People could put themselves, their families, and the community at risk if they do not buy fireworks from reputable businesses.

Cllr Hitesh Patel, the council’s cabinet member for housing, environment and public protection, said: “If you are looking to celebrate Bonfire Night, please do so safely by following the Firework Code.

“As part of our everyday lives, it is also increasingly important that we are considerate of others and consider ways to protect our environment.”

Any suspicious firework sales or the sale of fireworks to anyone under 18 can be reported to Trading Standards via the Consumer Advice Citizen Service by calling 0808 223 1133.