A CABINET member says the council’s online planning portal is ‘fit for purpose’ following concerns over it causing ‘considerable inconvenience’.

The issue was raised during the full council meeting at the Parr Hall on Monday.

Cllr Judith Wheeler, Liberal Democrat, asked Labour’s Cllr Hitesh Patel, cabinet member for environment, housing and public protection, about the matter.

She asked: “Is the new planning portal fit for purpose and why isn’t it fully functional several months after going live?”

Cllr Patel confirmed that it does comply with the council’s statutory duty for the availability of planning application information but he stated that ‘I understand where you’re coming from’.

He said the planning portal is ‘fit for purpose’ and delivers an improved experience for users.

Cllr Patel says the council is working with the system provider to deliver additional enhancements to further improve the experience of residents.

Cllr Wheeler said it has caused ‘considerable inconvenience’, particularly for parish councils.

She also asked, given it was such a ‘big innovation’ for the planning department, was there consideration for it to be trialled.

Cllr Patel said: “I think with any new system change we try to consult with people and we try to test things and we also try and learn lessons from other local authorities that have had similar system changes as well.”