Steven Broomhead is chief executive of Warrington Borough Council and writes a regular column the Warrington Guardian

After three months of uncertainty we are entering the era of Rishinomics.

Leaving aside the debate about whether or not there should have been a General Election, I hope there is a new agenda of stable, competent and less impulsive national government that will create renewed confidence.

Local businesses have repeatedly voiced this concern about the impact of the last few months of uncertainty in the financial market and with the business environment.

We have a strong and diverse economy in our town but our business leaders have been rattled about the revolving national leadership and fiscal decisions not based on evidence or data. It’s time to end the permacrisis.

Our new image conscious, articulate and cautious Prime Minister will inherit a bulging in-tray and will have many pot holes to avoid.

Inflation, energy prices, asylum seekers, the Ukrainian War, higher interest rates, levelling up, climate change, the impact of the cost of living, and numerous industrial disputes are just a small selection.

As a town we are on the front foot to deal with the more depressing aspects of their consequences. There is great community activity to support a number of food banks although a major issues is that demand is starting to outstrip supply.

The additional support for our food banks hopefully is largely a short term measure. The plans to establish ‘warming centres’, are well advanced, which will allow individuals to keep warm in our community settings. I find it very sad given the overall national wealth that the we have the need for such project.

Much has been made of the fact that the Prime Minister is the youngest in over 200 years. The average age of the Cabinet is 52, a decade older than him.

It was 49 under Truss and 48 under Boris. As I learned when I became the youngest College Principal in the UK at age 33, it is vital to have around you people with great and long experience, and you need to continually consult with them and use your listening and filtering skills.

Let’s hope that the new period of national leadership can deliver stability, as a town we need and deserve it. We all need a good dose of optimism and positivity not talk of tough times and rocky roads ahead.