A Halloween "obsessed" mum-of-two and practising "witch" has created a spooky garden display that is so chilling it reduces young children to tears.

Becky Louise Pennycook's haunting annual showcase has fake bodies in bags, blood-soaked hands, heads peering out of jars – and even a gigantic spider’s web.

And the 35-year-old's creepy presentations are so convincing that the police have even joked about launching a murder investigation at her property in Bewsey.

As reported previously in the Guardian, the artist and carer became hooked on Halloween when she was a young girl and says she feels “depressed” when she puts her decorations away each year.

Her mum was a “White witch” - part of the modern pagan Wicca tradition - and she now also takes a keen interest in the occult faith.

Becky said many children think the display is “wicked” and “cool” but admitted some kids had been left shocked by its graphic details.

She said: “I’ve always been into Halloween since being a little girl, I’ve just been obsessed with it.

“I don’t just follow paganism, it’s witchcraft in general I am interested in. It’s more like intentions and nothing like cursing people and what everyone seems to think.

“Last year, I did feel really, really bad because I did make a couple of kids cry with the display because they were a bit scared of it.

Warrington Guardian:

“But I just love doing it for the community, for the children. That’s my inspiration for keeping doing it, just to see them all smiling and happy when it comes to Halloween.

She added: “One of my neighbours thinks I’m barmy, but that’s the reason why she loves it. I get loads of compliments off people walking past.”

Becky creates her incredible display in the front garden of her three-bedroom terraced property in Warrington every October.

And she feels her current showcase is her best to date, which has a variety of gruesome sculptures and props that she mostly designed herself.

Becky said: “The skeleton that’s hanging just past the gate, that was bought, and then I’ve got shrink wrap and covered it, and then you use a hair drier and kind of shrink it.

“And then I covered it with varnish to make it look like flesh coming off it.

“I’ve made signs with old pallet wood. I’ve broken them in half and nailed them together, saying “Don’t look behind you” or “Beware of the witches.”

"Then I’ve got the dead bodies made from all the old clothes that I got rid of.

“I’ve stuffed them and then covered them with a bin bag and wrapped it up to make it look like someone is getting rid of a dead body in a bag type of thing.

Warrington Guardian:

She added: “I like to make my own decorations and feel accomplished when I’ve made something that looks pretty cool. I reckon overall, it’s maybe cost me about £100.”

Becky said she loves seeing houses decked out with Halloween decorations, but she also celebrates a pagan version of the festival as part of her beliefs.

She said: “I always been a fan of Halloween, but I celebrate Samhain, which is a pagan festival.

“My mum used to be a white witch, which is like a Wicca. It’s probably where it all stems from.

“You can’t be devout about it until you’re 16. So since I became of age, I’ve started looking into things, and now I’ve got my own place, I’m able to practice more.”

Becky says most of the people in her community love her display, but it has also attracted the eye of the police on occasions.

She said: “We had the police knocking on the door the other day looking for somebody.

“They said jokingly, “We’d like to talk about this murder scene – these dead bodies, what’s happened?”

She added: “But there are a couple of young kids in the street, and they just say “Oh cool! Wicked! Love it!”

Becky said she hoped to launch a spooky festival, where she could meet up with other people who also love the Halloween period.

She said: “Me and my friend were discussing the other day it would be cool to do it on the scale of a festival, something for the community.

“You know how the US do it, really big? I’ve always wanted the UK to be the same, with everybody doing it. Unfortunately, nobody goes to the extremes that I have this year.

“I get dead depressed when I need to put them away. It’s like when you’re on holiday and then you return home and get fed up because you don’t want to go back.

“I just want to do it bigger and better and try to persuade my neighbours to take part.”