CRAWLERS are a band on the rise, with almost 700k followers on Tik-Tok and more than 34 million listeners on Spotify the alt-rock group will play in Warrington later this year following the release of their new mixtape ‘Loud Without Noise’ on Friday.

While the band came out of the Merseyside music scene, the band’s roots are deep in Warrington. We spoke to Crawler guitarist Amy Woodall and bass player Liv May, both of whom are from Warrington.

The duo met at St Gregory’s Catholic School, where they played in the same band and according to Amy “me and Liv have only ever exclusively made music and played together since we were really young. I started learning guitar, and then like, a year later we were in a band together and we definitely helped each other along the way to get better. I can't imagine, at this moment writing with anyone else.”

The pair would not unfortunately give any more details about their high school bands, saying it’s best we “let it die.”

On the topic of whether they’re a northern band, Amy went on to say, “Yeah, definitely, we are a ‘northern band’ for sure. I mean, we'd say we're from Liverpool, but we're not, we’re from Warrington.

"We're all from kind of just outside of Liverpool, obviously me and Liv are from Warrington and Holly's from Southport.

"But when we were first getting started, we did everything in Warrington really, our first gigs were in Warrington and our rehearsals were in Warrington and yeah, it's just that Liverpool was kind of a city that we've gravitated towards over Manchester.

"But yeah, being a Northern band is definitely part of our identity, cause we're all Northern.”

Liv added that whilst Harry is a southerner, “all of his family are from Liverpool, so you can’t really escape the north.”

On the release of their upcoming mixtape, a six track mix of different alt-rock sounds they will be playing at their Warrington gig, Liv said: “We've worked we've worked really hard on the songs and they're all a collection of the different styles that we write and the different sounds that we enjoy listening to as musicians. So yeah, it's gonna be really good. I'm really excited for like, what people think of it.”

Warrington Guardian:

The two still have strong links to their hometown, with Liv visiting her sister who still lives in Warrington, and Amy saying, “I actually still live in Warrington so I'm just gonna walk home after it probably, back to Orford.”

On their gig at the Fc2, the duo said: “Well, I'm just gonna set the scene of what that night is going to be like, it's gonna be mostly all my mom's mates who love a drink.

And then it's just going to be us playing for them. It's gonna be great, we're all having a pre drinks, we're all having a party after it.

Then we'll probably go Friar’s Court as well. So, the Warrington rounds if you will.”

Tickets are available now for Crawler’s gig in Warrington on December 10. Their new mixtape ‘Loud Without Noise’ streams on all platforms this Friday November 4.