YOU told us what you think the worst road to drive on is in Warrington.

Trying to get out of Bridgewater Avenue onto Kingsway South.

Rosie Forsyth

All of them - especially the island at the back of Sainsbury's. What numpty took the decision to put lights on only two junctions when clearly they are needed on all of them?

James Stubbings

Kingsway, especially at peak times.

Sue Howarth

Where do you begin? But in terms of worst, I would say Cockhedge roundabout as a whole. For something that was only put in about 30-odd years ago, it’s not fit for purpose.

Ste Gordon

Warrington Guardian:

The road going up to The Ferry Tavern pub is full of huge potholes and not enough cutouts on the road up to No More Kennels.

Carol Mather

Hawley's Lane at rush hour in an HGV because everyone known to man thinks it is a dual carriageway onto Winwick Road. The amount of times I've struggled getting to one of the drops I do on the industrial estate I've lost count.

Richard Hennings

I think it would be easier to name the decent roads. Warrington's roads are getting worse at an alarming rate, but what can we expect with all the houses and apartments going up with no extra or improved infrastructure.

Glenn Rowlinson

Woolston, Grange Ave, it’s like a rollercoaster.

Collette Griffiths

The entire Birchwood stretch with its 200 roundabouts.

Lewis Taylor

The Cockhedge roundabout really needs full-time traffic lights.

Joanne Clark

A49 – the whole length.

Steve Giblin

Frankly, it’s not the roads, but the drivers. Most are ok, but the few who tailgate, ignore traffic lights, approach junctions at breakneck speed and are distracted or not concentrating causes most problems.

Ian James West-Moore

Warrington Road between Trigger Pond and Griffin with them cycle lanes and bollards. A fatality waiting to happen!

Jaclyn Garratt

The road between the Army Reserve Centre on O'Leary Street and the mini roundabout at the end of Battersby Lane seriously needs a zebra crossing there at least, because waiting to cross the road there is like waiting for 2050 to arrive on a good day.

Scott Andrew Paul Kelly

Warrington Guardian:

Trying to turn right out of Aldi near Winwick Road. Especially during rush hour with the lights on green letting two cars through if lucky.

Sarah Wilks

Bewsey Road and the Junction with Lovely/Folly/Lodge Lane. It all needs resurfacing properly.

Trish Isherwood

Thelwall Lane near Latchford Locks. The potholes are that deep you could loose a car in them.

Tracey Peak Makin