A CONTROVERSIAL roads plan which has generated much opposition in Warrington could be debated in Parliament.

Warrington South MP Andy Carter used a sitting in the House of Commons to raise the issue of Warrington Borough Council’s Central 6 Roads Plan.

The MP described the low traffic neighbourhood scheme as being ‘totally unsuitable’ for the Westy and Latchford area.

The plan has seen the introduction of wooden planters as modal filters to block certain roads, with the aim being to reduce traffic, prevent ‘rat running’ on residential streets, improve air quality and create a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

However, the scheme received a strong backlash from angry residents, who made their views known in the form of protests and answering surveys.

The council U-turned on some aspects of the scheme earlier this month, but residents say this is not enough.

Speaking in Parliament, Mr Carter said: “In June, Warrington Council introduced a low-traffic neighbourhood zone in the Latchford area of my constituency.

Planters installed as part of the Central 6 Roads Plan

Planters installed as part of the Central 6 Roads Plan

“An area that is totally unsuitable, because it is constrained to the south by Manchester Ship Canal and to the north by the River Mersey.

“Roads have been closed to traffic, resulting in longer journey times and more congestion. In a survey I conducted, 87 per cent of residents who were impacted by the changes say they want things to go back to how they were.

“May we have a debate in Government time on low-traffic neighbourhood zones, and does my right honourable friend agree that local councillors need to listen to local residents and scrap those changes?”

In response, Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt said: “We do need to listen to local people.

“Not only because that is what their representatives are supposed to do, but because quite often they will have the best ideas on how to manage particular situations.

“I would tell my honourable friend how to secure a debate, but I know that he has already managed to secure an Adjournment debate.

“I congratulate him on that, but I shall also flag the fact that he has raised the matter with me to the relevant ministry.”