HOUSES will not be built on land at a Latchford social club after plans were rejected.

Planning permission has not been granted for a development of homes on land at Pierpoint and Bryant Social Club.

The application sought approval for five homes on the bowling green at the Thelwall Lane site, but it has been dismissed by Warrington Borough Council.

It comes after six letters of objection were submitted against the proposals.

According to plans, the development would have comprised of a mixture of three and four-bedroom units.

Submission documents stated: “The proposal provides an appropriate density for its locality, while ensuring that the site will deliver good standards of amenity for future occupants.

“Designs concentrate on creating a successful place for people to live.

“The site has undergone an extensive design review, in close collaboration with the client and the consultant team, ensuring that a suitable design solution is provided for this infill development site.

“As such, the development will deliver a mix of high-quality residential dwellings which will support local housing requirements.

“It is demonstrated through the application submission that the proposals will enhance the surrounding area, making use of unused land.”

Previous plans for apartments on the plot on Thelwall Lane were pulled earlier last year after safety concerns were raised by the council.

These latest plans were refused due to road safety concerns leading to the site.

Residents also raised concerns regarding overshadowing and a loss of privacy, noise disturbance, traffic and parking impact and a lack of supporting infrastructure such as schools and GP surgeries.

In a planning officer report, it is stated: “The plans and illustrative information have demonstrated that a development of the scale proposed could be accommodated on the site, without any adverse impacts on the amenity of the area or residents.

“However, the proposal cannot be accommodated with a safe means of access. It would result in the danger to existing highways users and those new occupiers of the site. Pedestrian access to the site would also be inadequate.

“Significant weight is given to the unacceptable impact on highway safety, and it is considered this adverse impact would significantly and demonstrably outweigh any benefits arising from the scheme.

“On this basis, it is recommended that planning permission is refused.”