A MAN who set up a cannabis grow in his home has been told he will not be heading to prison.

Ian Halpin was found to be producing cannabis from his home after the grow was discovered by Cheshire Police.

The 48-year-old was subsequently charged with production of cannabis, and he appeared to be sentenced at Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, October 19.

He was told however that his punishment could be carried out in the community.

Angela Blackmore, prosecuting, told the court how police raided an address on Chapel Lane in Appleton Thorn.

The drugs warrant was executed at around 9.20am on Wednesday, September 28.

The cannabis farm was confined to one room and involved six plants of the controlled class B drug, with Halpin arrested at the scene.

Magistrates took Halpin’s guilty plea into account and sentenced him to a 12-week community order, as well as an electronically monitored curfew for the same length of time.

He was also ordered to pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £120 and a surcharge to fund victim services of £114.

In addition, the court approved and an order for the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis and associated paraphernalia.