TWO men have been jailed after being caught on a class A ‘drug run’ in Warrington.

Dylan Newman, 21, and Mark Sibbick, 47, had heroin, cocaine, and around £18,500 worth of amphetamine in the car when they were stopped on the M62.

The pair appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Monday after both being convicted of two counts of possessing a class A drug with intent to supply and possessing a class B drug with intent to supply.

Prosecuting, Natalia Cornwall told the court how the offences took place in November last year when the defendants were stopped on the M62 in Warrington by Merseyside Police.

Ms Cornwall explained how Sibbick was driving to Liverpool while Newman was a passenger.

When the car was searched, a package was found containing large bags and inside were 382 wraps of heroin with a street value of around £3,800, 135 wraps with a street value of up to £7,000 and 1,856g of amphetamine with a street value of around £18,500.

Warrington Guardian: Mark SibbickMark Sibbick (Image: Mark Sibbick)

Ms Cornwall revealed that Newman, of Grismby Road, Cleethorpse, is currently serving a prison sentence for assault.

She also said how Sibbick, of Werneth Road, Grimsby, is ‘heavily convicted’ with 29 convictions for 101 offences.

Defending Newman, Andrew McInnes said: “All professionals agree he is vulnerable and liable to exploitation.

“He needs an environment where he can build a more positive future.”

Mr McInnes also said how his client played a ‘lesser role’ in the offences and has completed health and safety courses while serving his prison sentence.

Defending Sibbick, Charles Lander said how the defendant was taking part in the ‘drug run’ to get rid of debt and was ‘trying to meet his own habit’.

He also said how although heavily conflicted, Sibbick, who has two children, has not been before the court for 10 years.

Warrington Guardian: Dylan NewmanDylan Newman (Image: Dylan Newman)

Before sentencing, appearing via video link, Richard Conley said: “What is clear is that you, Mr Sibbick, and you, Mr Newman, were on a drug run from your home address in Grimbsy to Merseyside.

“You, Mr Newman, are a young man of 21 who has had an extraordinarily difficult start in life.

“You are an extremely vulnerable young man who has a number of mental health problems and learning difficulties.”

Recorder Conley also said how Newman was ‘groomed and coerced’ into performing the criminal activity.

Addressing Sibbick, he added: “You have a substantial list of antecedents but you have turned your life around for the most part.

“You went into this with your eyes wide open.

“It is nothing short of a personal tragedy that you have ended up in a dock at Liverpool Crown Court.

“It will impact your partner and your children and that is a very, very, great shame indeed.”

Sibbick was handed a four-year and nine-month prison sentence and Newman was handed an 18-month prison sentence.