A WARRINGTON clinic has launched a bespoke hormone replacement treatment service to support women going through the menopause.

North west medical wellness clinic group Bodyline, which has a clinic on Manchester Road in Paddington, has created M Plan – a personal treatment plan for individuals as well as tailored packages for businesses to offer to clients or employees.

The launch comes in the middle of World Menopause Awareness Month, which is aimed at promoting support options available for improving health and wellbeing.

M Plan aims to support women through their menopause journey and redress hormonal imbalances as well as vitamin and hormone deficits, through a clinically diagnosed menopause programme.

It gives patients choices on how they manage the menopause following an initial consultation and medical history discussion.

Blood samples are taken and when the results are discussed, a personalised treatment plan is agreed.

Results are discussed and a personalised plan is agreed

Results are discussed and a personalised plan is agreed

The plan includes a tailored hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prescription, as well as vitamin supplement recommendations, lifestyle and nutrition advice – ensuring patients are maximising their health and prioritising wellbeing.

For businesses, Bodyline works in collaboration with corporate partners to design a customised corporate M Plan for clients or employees.

The healthcare professionals recognise that there may be tailored requirements according to business needs and the company’s health and wellbeing vision and strategy.

Sally-Ann Turner, managing director of Bodyline Medical Wellness Clinics, said “The menopause can be a daunting time in a woman’s life with severely debilitating symptoms impacting all parts of life, personally and in the workplace.

“Symptoms can be both physical and mental and until diagnosed, women can spend years not knowing why they are feeling the way that they do.

“At Bodyline we realise that the menopause is unique with women experiencing individual symptoms at different times of the menopause journey.

“Women are more informed about the menopause nowadays and are seeking choice.

“Awareness of the menopause, quite rightly, has increased dramatically over recent years.

“Women want to understand more about their own hormones during the menopause and how these can be rebalanced.

“With the M Plan, Bodyline can diagnose, treat, and support through this naturally evolving stage of life.

“Our aim is that we support women, on their personal journey, so that they can embrace this time in life and enhance their overall health and wellbeing”.

Healthcare professionals create tailored plans for patients

Healthcare professionals create tailored plans for patients

One patient reported that after long bouts of depression along with her menopause symptoms, her personalised hormone replacement treatment and support from Bodyline had changed her life.

She said: “Without being dramatic, I'm finally at peace with myself.”

Sally added: “At Bodyline, woman do not have to wait for treatment - we don’t have wait lists, we discuss and provide choice of treatments, we ensure supply of medications, we support the menopause journey, and we care.”