ACTIVITY has been spotted at an eyesore building in Warrington town centre this morning, Tuesday.

Early stages of demolition work was reported at the former Club Wired building on Mersey Street.

This followed new metal fencing being erected around the site last week.

The former nightclub has been closed for a number of years, and in this time the building has fallen into disrepair and become a blot on the street scene.

Following its closure, the site was used as a multi-million-pound cannabis farm, with crops inside valued as much as £6million.

Three illegal immigrants were found living inside, and after being jailed for 12 years in August 2015, Chester Crown Court heard how they would be deported back to Vietnam.

Impressions of how the approved apartments would look when permission was approved

Impressions of how the approved apartments would look when permission was approved

Warrington Borough Council granted planning permission in July 2020 for Club Wired to be turned into 12 apartments.

Although work has not taken place up to this point, planning permission is normally valid for three years from the time it is granted by the local authority.

The council previously approved plans for the bar to be turned into 10 apartments in 2018.

But the latest proposals saw the ambitions of the development expanded, with the inclusion of a two-storey extension to the building.

Plans stated that the development would comprise of five one-bedroom flats and seven two-bedroom units.

Submission documents described the plot as being a ‘blot on the surrounding area’ in its then state, with its condition deteriorating further since.