A LATCHFORD resident has been left furious after the council have ‘failed’ to collect her rubbish since she moved into the property.

Olivia Gorton, 20, moved into the rental on Friday, September 16 and despite weekly attempts at contacting the council to request the bins be taken, she has still been left with a growing mound of rubbish bags in her garden.

“Numerous calls have been made to the council every time with them promising that they will be collected the following week,” she said.

“This is my 5th phone call as it has been one a week regarding each failed collection day.

“I’m honestly upset, stressed and very concerned. The rubbish smells and is a serious health issue as it’s stacking up in my garden.”

After enduring four weeks with the smell and sight of rubbish lingering by her home, Olivia was forced to make a ‘formal complaint’ with the council but was further outraged to be told the council did not have to respond.

“I am in serious worry for my health due to the amount of waste that’s been left in my garden,” she added.

“Having that much rubbish sat around stinks and has the potential to bring rats and other disease-ridden animals to the garden putting us at risk.

The Warrington Guardian contacted Warrington Borough Council for a response on the matter, and it has since contacted Olivia with a promise to resolve the issue.

A spokesman said: “We have now spoken to the resident and have resolved this matter. We have also arranged a return to collect her bins.”

Olivia also gave a further update, saying: “This has now been resolved after a month of chasing them. The 10 bin bags still remain in my garden, but I’ve been told I can leave them outside the gate next week and told they will be collected, so fingers crossed.”