A DEDICATED animal charity near Warrington town centre says it fears for the survival of shelters this winter.

Warrington Animal Welfare, which is based on Slutchers Lane, says that soaring heating bills this winter could force animal shelters to close.

The charity has shared a national petition to give animal rescue centres a grant to offset this winter’s increased heating cost.

It adds that without it, many shelters could shut their doors, which would be ‘catastrophic’ for animals in need.

In a statement, the centre said: “As we all know since Covid, all animal rescue centres, including WAW, are having great difficulty in just surviving.

“This is because of an increase of surrendered pets which were bought during the pandemic alongside the problem of the increase in the cost of living.

“Now we have the problem of massively increasing heating bills which could push some centres over the edge.

“There is a petition on the parliamentary petitions website to try to get some financial help for animal rescue centres this winter.

“So far it has got more than 4,500 signatures, but it needs more for it to be considered.

“Please sign and share to avoid centres closing, causing a catastrophe for the animals.”

WAW penned a heartbreaking message in July after reaching an ‘all-time high crisis point’ due to being inundated with admissions.

The charity reluctantly had to close its doors to new arrivals and pleaded with residents looking to add a pet to the family to see the many lovely animals it is caring for.

The national petition adds: “We would respectfully ask the Government to give urgently needed help with the anticipated massive increase in heating costs for this winter to small and medium sized animal rescue centres, who are unable to absorb these costs.

“Animal rescue centres are already facing immense pressure from an unprecedented post-Covid influx of unwanted animals, alongside a drop, in many cases one third or more, of their donated income.

“Because of these competing pressures of demand for their services and drop in income to provide those services, many rescues could, without this help, cease to exist, thus causing an explosion of homeless and ill-treated animals roaming our streets.

“A little help now could prevent this tragedy happening.”

If you would like to sign the petition, visit petition.parliament.uk/petitions/622806

WAW says that if you are contemplating bringing a new pet into the family, visit warringtonanimalwelfare.org.uk and submit an application.

Regular updates are also posted via the Warrington Animal Welfare Facebook page.