A MAN suffered a cut to his face after being involved in an altercation with another man.

The incident was reported on Bridge Street in the town centre in the early hours of this morning, Wednesday.

It was initially reported by officers that a man was tipped out of his wheelchair, however the investigation has led to further circumstances being uncovered.

A man was arrested in connection with the incident on suspicion of using threatening behaviour with intent to cause fear.

He has since been released by officers with no further action taken.

A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: “At 1am on Wednesday, October 19, a man was seen to have pushed another man out of his wheelchair, causing a cut to his face.

“It occurred on Bridge Street in Warrington. The man did not receive medical treatment.

“A 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of using threatening behaviour with intent to cause fear.

“Following a review of CCTV footage, he has since been released with no further action.”

Posting on social media this morning, the force’s Warrington Police team said: “Officers from B block swooped in on the town centre after an offender made off after tipping someone out of their wheelchair.

“The male was swiftly arrested and will spend a night in the cells.”