WARRINGTON Conservatives have announced their candidate for the upcoming by-election in Rixton and Woolston.

Rob Tynan, a parish councillor in Woolston, will stand in the election for the party.

He is passionate about saving the green belt from development like the HS2 Golborne link, improving communal spaces and fighting against the Warburton toll bridge rises.

Rob said: “I am delighted and honoured to have been selected to stand as the Conservative candidate to be the next Conservative councillor for Rixton and Woolston.

“If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I intend to listen to your views, concerns and recommendations and campaign on your behalf.

“For far too long, the Labour has taken us for granted and has failed to deliver for Rixton and Woolston. I want to continue the work Cllr Dixon did in the community and ensure that Rixton and Woolston is one of the best places to live, work and raise a family. I look forward to working with my Conservative colleagues.

“For too long, this Labour council has refused to be held to account by the members of the public.

“I will fight for openness and transparency from the Labour-run council, as full council meetings should be live-streamed to allow residents to see what they are wasting our council tax on.

“Only the Conservatives are standing up for Rixton and Woolston; this Labour-run council has passed the local plan that will destroy our green belt. Your Conservative councillor voted against it, and I will continue to do the same.”

Meanwhile, Josh Dixon, the outgoing councillor for Rixton and Woolston, says it is with sadness that he will be stepping down as both a borough and parish councillor for Rixton and Woolston.

He added: “It has been a real privilege and honour to serve the people of the local community on Rixton Parish Council, Woolston Parish Council and for the borough council.

“There have been many projects brought forward, as well as lots of casework completed. I have met many amazing people and worked with some fantastic colleagues of all stripes during my tenure as a councillor.

“The hard work, dedication and commitment, often unseen and in the background, has been inspirational.

“My thanks to all the council officers, parish clerks, fellow councillors and, above all, the people who chose to put their trust in me.

“Due to a change in working circumstances, it has become impossible for me to continue in the role. It has been a thoroughly rewarding experience to take part in local democracy, and I encourage everyone to think about how they can serve too, whether in elected office, or in their local communities.

“I hope that in this by-election, residents will elect Rob Tynan, a strong local Conservative voice who will champion local issues and who is rooted in the community, focussing on the issues in our area, rather than nationally.”