A MUCH-loved staff member who many colleagues saw as a ‘second mum’, is retiring after serving Stockton Heath Primary School for almost 30 years.

Joanna Bygrave, who pupils ‘truly adored’, began her journey at the school while working for Little Tots where she prepared and served food for pre-school children.

Here, she is fondly remembered for telling the children who didn’t like her food: “You can either have that or lump it!”

To which the children would regularly reply: “We’ll have lump it, please.”

In 2003, Joanna then transferred to the main school where she became a midday supervisor.

This was a role she held for 19 years until her ‘enforced retirement’ in July 2022, but the school celebrated her with a special assembly last week.

Head teacher Dan Harding said: “In those 19 years, Joanna was a truly exceptional staff member.

“She was enthusiastic, dedicated, fiercely loyal, and worked exceptionally hard for the good of the children.

“She would come into work even when feeling unwell because she never wanted to let anyone down, especially the children.

“She never ‘switched off’ from work, always thinking of different ways to make the lunchtime experience better for the children and more efficient for the staff.”

According to Mr Harding, children at Stockton Heath Primary School ‘truly adored’ Joanna and her colleagues described her as like a ‘second mum’ and a great listener.

Joanna’s great sense of humour often made even the most challenging wet and windy lunchtimes enjoyable, and she will be 'sorely missed' by everyone at the school.

“She will be very sorely missed by every member of our school community,” added Mr Harding.

“If her health had allowed it, she would probably have carried on for another 25 years but she deserves to spend more time with her three children, her grandson, and her overly-pampered dog Toby.

“And she now has more time to browse the charity shops in the village searching for bargains.”