A WOMAN who racially abused a man in a supermarket has been handed a suspended prison sentence.

Rachel Tinsley assaulted the victim after being caught stealing wine and other items.

The 36-year-old was told that only a prison sentence was appropriate punishment to match the crimes she committed.

However, magistrates drew back from an immediate stretch in jail due to her ‘real prospect of rehabilitation’.

Tinsley was charged with theft from a shop and racially aggravated common assault, and she appeared to be sentenced at Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, October 4.

Angela Blackmore, prosecuting, explained how the offences occurred on April 9 in Aldi in Birchwood.

The defendant entered the supermarket at Birchwood Shopping Centre and stole wine and other items of a value unknown, the court heard.

In the process, she assaulted her male victim, with the attack being racially aggravated.

Before sentencing, magistrates stated that the offences were so serious that only a custodial sentence could be justified.

This was due to the ‘deliberate and planned’ theft being followed by an ‘unprovoked attack of a serious nature’, as well as being racially aggravated.

However, taking her guilty plea into account, they concluded that the prison sentence could be suspended because of the defendant’s help and support through community and her being a real prospect for rehabilitation.

Tinsley, of Whitethroat Walk in Birchwood, was sentenced to eight weeks in prison suspended for 18 months.

She was also ordered to complete six months of alcohol treatment and 35 rehabilitation activity requirement days, as well as pay £150 in compensation and a surcharge to fund victim services of £128.