AN investigation into an ‘appalling stench’ coming from a wastewater treatment works site in Sankey Bridges is ongoing as the council and United Utilities work towards a ‘long-term solution’.

Residents have raised concerns over the smell coming from the site operated by United Utilities, on Barnard Street.

One resident labelled it as an ‘appalling stench’ that continues to affect the lives of those who live in the Great Sankey and Penketh area, adding 'we cannot leave windows open' and that the smell is 'so strong that it wakes us up' and causes stinging eyes and a sore throat.

The council has issued a statement on the matter.

A spokesman said: “We have received complaints of an odour coming from the Gatewarth Sewage Works, which is operated by United Utilities.

“The investigation is currently ongoing and we are working with United Utilities towards a long-term solution.

“Initial actions were carried out by United Utilities in September to try to reduce the odour impact. Additional measures will be undertaken by them on a phased basis throughout October and November to improve this further.

“As part of the council’s investigation, we are also carrying out observations in the area to assess the level of impact and the effectiveness of the actions being taken.

“If any residents are affected by odour, they can report it to us online at, or by contacting United Utilities directly.”