MORE than two-in-five crimes reported in Birchwood in August this year did not result in a prosecution, data shows.

Crime in Birchwood has fallen overall, however, according to the latest data made public by Cheshire Constabulary.

The data highlights a decrease in the total crimes reported in the area between July and August - the most recent figures available.

Warrington Guardian: Crime reported in Birchwood fell between July and August this yearCrime reported in Birchwood fell between July and August this year (Image: Newsquest)

Overall, crime fell from 85 reported incidents in July this year to 78 incidents in August.

The highest number of reported crimes fell under the category of 'violent and sexual offences,' with 37 of these being reported in August.

However, that number fell from the 40 incidents reported in the month before.

Antisocial behaviour in Birchwood was slashed by more than 50 per cent between July and August, falling from 13 to six.

All reported crimes fell from July to August, except 'public order' and bicycle thefts.

Public order rose from 11 reports in July to 16 in August, and there were no reports of bikes stolen in July, whereas three reports were filed the following month.

No vehicle crimes were reported as taking place in Birchwood in August, though only one was reported the previous month.

In terms of criminal outcomes for the crimes reported in August, a large proportion of crime remains under police investigation.

That being said, totalling up the number of reports that did not lead to prosecution - i.e. suspects not identified, not being able to be prosecuted, or action not being 'in the public interest' - is significant.

All in all, 33 reported crimes did not result in a suspect being prosecuted in Birchwood.

That represents 42 per cent of all crime reports in August for Birchwood.

39.7 per cent of that month's crimes remain under police investigation, with just 6.4 per cent awaiting court action.

It is important to note that reported crimes do not equate to the number of crimes committed - one crime could be reported by five separate people, for example; which would result in five reports, rather than five crimes.

A spokesperson for Cheshire Constabulary said: "Cheshire Constabulary is committed to doing all it can to ensure that offenders are brought to justice.

"However, there are some cases where it is simply not possible to prosecute."

Warrington Guardian: Reports of crime in Birchwood have fallen, but over 40 per cent of reports don't lead to prosecutionReports of crime in Birchwood have fallen, but over 40 per cent of reports don't lead to prosecution (Image: Newsquest)

The spokesperson continued: "This can be for a range of reasons, including:

  • Complaints being withdrawn
  • Victims not willing to co-operate
  • A lack of evidence
  • Initial allegations being false/a crime was not committed
  • Suspects being under the legal age for prosecution.

"There are also cases which are deemed to be not in the public interest to take to court.

"It should be noted that the figures provided on the website are only the initial statistics, and they are subject to change."