WE live in a fantastic part of the world and no one knows this better than the people who call it home.

No Place Like Home is a new feature that gives readers the chance to tell us what they love about Warrington.

Whether you were born here, planted roots later in life or returned to the town after living elsewhere, we’d like you to share what makes our corner of the world so special.

To take part, email heidi.summerfield@newsquest.co.uk for more details.

This week, we’re featuring Mary Ross who has lived in Warrington for more than 50 years, teaching at some of the town’s primary and secondary schools and working as an exam invigilator at Priestley College.

Penketh resident Mary Ross

Penketh resident Mary Ross

Tell us a bit about yourself

I'm married and have two children and two stepchildren. All four were educated in Penketh. I also have seven grandchildren.

How long have you lived in Warrington?

I came to Warrington, from Barnsley, in 1969 to train as a teacher at Padgate College of Education and stayed! For more than 40 years I taught at local primary and secondary schools and in 2012, after leaving Great Sankey High School, where I'd been for 20 years, I then worked as an exam invigilator at Priestley Sixth Form College.

Mary recommends paying Warrington Library and Museum a visit

Mary recommends paying Warrington Library and Museum a visit

What do you like best about Warrington?

I moved to Penketh in 1977 and can't imagine living anywhere else. Penketh is home. I think it still has the feel of a village and it certainly has a fascinating history, about which I've written a few pamphlets over the years.

Where would you suggest people go if they’re visiting Warrington?

In 2016, I joined the campaign to Save Warrington's Libraries and was a founder member of Friends of Penketh Library. In six years, we've gone from the prospect of having no stand-alone libraries to seeing almost all of them remain intact. If I were to recommend one place to visit in Warrington it would be the town centre library, museum and art gallery. I'm also a member of the Penketh and Great Sankey Heritage Group. Local history has become a bit of an obsession in recent years.

Campaign to save the libraries that went all the way to Westminster

Campaign to save the libraries that went all the way to Westminster

If you were going for a special meal in Warrington, where would you go and why?

Our favourite place for lunch or the best coffee and homemade cake is CJ's Coffee Shop on Warrington Road. My favourite place for a special meal is Ego in Stockton Heath and Anmol in Penketh is great for a curry.

Ego in Stockton Heath is one of Marys favourite places to eat

Ego in Stockton Heath is one of Mary's favourite places to eat

Are you a fan of Warrington Wolves or Warrington Town?

I am a Wire supporter, despite having Wigan blood from my dad!

Where’s the best place for a walk and why?

During lockdowns, we would go for walks in and around Penketh and have continued to do this post pandemic. There are lovely green spaces - the Sankey to St Helens canal and the River Mersey - and all the associated wildlife. We can pop in the Ferry Tavern for a drink or two on the way home.

What’s one thing that you would change about Warrington or one thing that you think is missing from Warrington?

One thing I'd change about Warrington is that it has some beautiful architecture but sadly many of the town’s fine buildings have been neglected. I would love to see the council putting pressure on the owners to clean them up and do some substantial renovation. I believe we also need a purpose-built theatre. Runcorn has The Brindley and I would love to see something similar in Warrington.

The lighting of the Jubilee Beacon in Penketh in June was a real highlight

The lighting of the Jubilee Beacon in Penketh in June was a real highlight

What is your best memory of your time living here?

I have so many pleasant memories of the last 53 years but I think I'll choose a recent event. June 2 this year was extra special as I joined 500 residents in Penketh Gardens to watch the lighting of the Platinum Jubilee Beacon by the Chair of Penketh Parish Council. It was a truly memorable occasion – a piece of Penketh history.

READ MORE: Rosemary Dey, who was born in Dallam and despite moving to New Jersey 54 years ago, still calls Warrington home