WARRINGTON Foodbank has sparked a campaign to help the most vulnerable keep warm during the winter months.

The 'Winter Warmer' campaign asks for donations of items such as candles, blankets, and hot water bottles in order to combat rising energy costs.

As well as providing vital supplies of food for those who need it, Warrington Foodbank is now urging communities to pull together to support those who most need help this winter.

Warrington Foodbank's CEO and project manager, David McDonald, said: "We are extremely concerned that this winter may be one of the worst ever for families who are facing rising costs of energy bills, higher costs of food in supermarkets, and the possibility of energy supplies being cut during daytime hours.

"Never before has the phrase 'heat or eat' become such a reality to those who cannot afford to meet these higher charges."

The foodbank is asking people to donate all sorts of items to help those in need.

Items requested include:

  • Candles
  • Hot water bottles
  • Woolly hats, scarves, and gloves
  • Clean blankets
  • Winter Coats (adult and child)
  • Children's pyjamas

David added: "People in your community - who you may not know - may be in desperate need.

"This could be a neighbour or even a relative or someone who is vulnerable.

"Please let's help each other to survive this winter period."

Donations to Warrington Foodbank can be made at the Golden Square site, next to Primark, between 10am and 2pm, Tuesday-Saturday.

The foodbank will also accept donations at its warehouse, at 9 Tanning Court, Monday-Thursday, 10am until 7pm.