THE number of school exclusions and suspensions has risen in Warrington, having increased by 535 in just a year.

In the 2021/2022 academic year, 1,673 pupils were excluded or suspended from primary, secondary and special schools across the town.

This is also an increase of 509 from 2018/2019, pre Covid.

Data acquired by the Warrington Guardian through a Freedom of Information request also reveals a spike in certain categories for fixed exclusions and suspensions.

In particular, persistent disruptive behaviour – which is the most common reason – more than doubled in just a year. Pupils excluded or suspended for this behaviour rose from 401 in 2020/21 to 849 in 2021/22.

Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against an adult was the second most common reason for exclusion or suspension in the most recent academic year. This rose from 229 to 260 in a year.

Although not as common, there have been increases in other categories – including the use or threat of an offensive weapon or prohibited item, rising from 14 to 28, inappropriate social media or online technology, rising from 15 to 27, and theft which rose from one to four.

And in all three school types, the number of pupils who were handed fixed exclusions or suspensions increased.

From 2020/21 to 2021/2022, the rates increased as follows:

Primary: From 42 to 49

Secondary: From 457 to 605

Special: From 53 to 74

Commenting on the town’s increasing exclusion and suspension rate, a WBC spokesperson said: ““School suspension numbers in Warrington have always been below national rates.

“This is due to the excellent care and guidance provided by our schools, with our support when necessary, for pupils and their families.

“While there was a slight increase in the number of suspensions last year, there has also been an increase in the school population.

“As a result, in 2020/21, 18 children per 1,000 were issued with a suspension. In 2021/22, this figure increased to 23 children per 1,000.

“Prior to September 2020, schools were only able to record one reason for a suspension.

“Since September 2020, they have been able to record up to three reasons for a suspension, which has created more recorded reasons for each individual case.”