WARRINGTON Borough Council’s leader has told cabinet members not to ‘kid’ themselves over the challenge facing the authority to balance its budget.

The Labour-run authority is forecasting an overspend of £9.2 million.

A 2022-23 budget monitoring report for quarter one came before the council’s cabinet at its meeting on Monday.

In February 2022, the council approved a budget for 2022-23 of £157.264 million, which included savings targets of £19.97 million.

In her report, deputy leader Cllr Cathy Mitchell said, since 2010-11, the authority has achieved more than £185 million of savings as a result of reduced funding levels from Government.

Over the current four-year budget cycle, 2022-23 to 2025-26, approved by full council in February 2022, the council is required to achieve a further £54 million.

The budget planning process for 2023-24 to 2026-27 is currently in progress.

The report also stated that the council is currently forecasting an overspend of £9.2 million.

The ability to achieve a balanced budget in the current year has been labelled as ‘increasingly difficult’ with the current levels of funding available.

Council leader Cllr Russ Bowden highlighted the projected overspend during the meeting.

He said: “Yes, in previous years, we’ve seen, certainly in quarter one, some serious projected overspends and we’ve dealt with that during the year.

“So I do have absolutely every confidence in Cllr Mitchell and officers across the council to bring that spend in line with budget.

“But let’s not kid ourselves, how difficult that’s going to be this year.

“Our original budget was set against, you know, fairly prudent but modest increases in relation to inflation, cost inflation and salaries. And what we’re seeing is an actual economic meltdown in this country which is driving inflation and driving demands for salaries to keep on track with that – and that’s going to put increasing pressure on our budget.”

Cllr Bowden added that he is sure ‘it will be kept under regular scrutiny’ throughout the year.