IF you fancy starting the week off right, with some fun energy-filled exercise with friends, then you might want to head down to Orford Park for their new hula hooping sessions.

Carol Kilgannon, chairperson at Helping Hands Changing Lives charity, has started a Monday night group for hula hoop enthusiasts, running from half 5 to half 6 in the evening.

And sessions will be held at the Green Cabin on Orford Park.

Carol began the hobby in August after taking part in a challenge where she would hoop every day for 30-minutes and would update her social media platforms on her progress.

After many showed an interest in the sport on her posts, this eventually led to a group session being formed, with the first class held this Monday proving to be a success.

Carol said: “The ladies that turned up really enjoyed it, said it was great to get out listen to good music and have a good laugh while actually doing a fun exercise.”

“We use K Smart hoops which is made up of links so when you start to lose weight you can take a link out, it also has a weighted ball that you have to keep swinging round,” She continued.

“On Monday we had people aged from 30 to 71! People with plastic knee and hips but it didn't stop them.”

There are still plenty of spaces available for people interested in joining the class and the entry fee is £2 per person, for more details visit the Helping Hands Changing Lives Facebook page.