FIREFIGHTERS say a small council tax increase of 2.8 per cent will allow them to do a lot more for the community.

The fire service's budget for 2008-09 was decided at a Cheshire Fire Authority meeting last week and the rise is the equivalent of 3p per week for band D homes.

Fire Authority chairman Tony Hooton said that it was possible to keep the tax increase low due to strong financial management over the years together with a good grant settlement from the Government.

He said: "I am particularly pleased that we will still be able to fund our work in reducing fire injuries and damage in the community, at the same time as ensuring our fire crews are properly trained and equipped to deal with the whole range of emergencies they now have to respond to."

The budget would provide new developments such as better protective clothing and equipment for firefighters.

It would also allow firefighters to work with businesses to help identify fire risks in their premises. Mr Hooton said: "This is a really good news budget for taxpayers and communities across Cheshire, Halton and Warrington and for our staff."