A BEWSEY man who grabbed his partner by the throat and left her fearing for her life has been spared jail.

A passer-by phoned the police after they saw a woman pushed up against the window of Daniel Fregene’s flat.

Fregene also punched his victim, leaving her with bruises and a lump.

Fregene, 52, appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court last Thursday after pleading guilty to possessing an offensive weapon in private place and being convicted after trial of assault and intimidating a witness.

Prosecuting, Shannon Carey told the court how the assault happened on April 16 of this year after the pair had been out for a meal and drinks.

She said that the victim challenged the way Fregene, of Folly Lane, had been speaking to her.

This led to him grabbing her by the throat and punching her – which left her ‘fearing’ for her life.

The victim managed to get away and rang her family who subsequently contacted the police.

The court heard how she was left with bruises on her forehead and neck as well as a lump on her head.

When officers attended Fregene’s address, they seized a truncheon that he was in possession of.

A day after the offence, Fregene contacted the victim and told her to drop the case or she won’t see her kids and grandchildren again.

He also said: “Don’t let the devil win.

“You know I love you.”

Ms Carey said that Fregene has three previous convictions for six offences.

Defending, Simon Dunn said contacting the victim about the case was a ‘silly’ thing to do.

He said: “To me, it seems that there is a reasonable prospect of rehabilitation.

“He is open and willing.

“He is remorseful and understands he has made mistakes.”

Concluding, district judge Nicholas Sanders said: “Domestic assault is unacceptable in any form.”

Referencing the intimidation, Mr Sanders added: “I think you were probably stupid rather than malicious in what you were doing.”

Fregene was handed an 18-week prison sentence suspended for two years.

He must complete up to 45 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 60 hours of unpaid work.

Fregene must also pay £965 court costs, a £128 surcharge and £200 in compensation to the victim.

He is subject to a two-year restraining order.