PROPOSING publicly through the Warrington Guardian, a woman who took advantage of a leap year proposal is celebrating after her partner said yes.

Northwich Guardian advertising rep, Natalie Markey decided to break traditions by popping the question to her boyfriend of nearly three years, Ben Smith.

Having read the article early on Thursday morning, Ben played his own prank on Natalie by pretending he hadn't opened the newspaper.

Secretly packing his bag for a surprise romantic night away at The Wild Boar, Beeston, Natalie's nerves were increasing.

Amazed by his girlfriend's initiative, Ben's prank crumbled on his return from work from work in Manchester, when he revealed his definite yes' response to the bold Will you marry me' headline.

Teased since reading about his comical flirting techniques of pretending to catch the London girl on an imaginary fishing line in Mr Smith's nightclub, Ben's football friends have renamed him fisherman'.

Natalie, said: "We are going to get married abroad in about three years- it is all about me and Ben being together."

She added: He was made up (about the proposal), he just couldn't believe it. He said he read it in his work van and he was shaking."