A DRUNK who beat up his girlfriend by punching her multiple times has walked free from court.

The attack by Ben Shepherd left the woman in tears and with blood streaming from her nose.

The 26-year-old was however spared an immediate prison sentence after the woman told police that he was an ‘amazing dad’.

Shepherd appeared before Liverpool Crown Court, via videolink from HMP Altcourse, after being charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage of her mobile phone.

Derek Jones, prosecuting, explained how the defendant and the victim were in a relationship at the time of the offence and have a child together.

The incident was brought to the attention of the police by a neighbour, who was sat in the garden on Grasmere Avenue in Orford at around 9.50pm on April 9 this year.

He heard a woman screaming and saw her emerge from the flat with blood streaming from her nose. He described her as being ‘frantic, shocked and hysterical in fear’.

The defendant came out of the flat and left as police were called, and while the woman refused to give a statement through the court process, she told officers on the day that her boyfriend had attacked her.

The court heard how he had come home drunk, and as she tried to wake him up after he fell asleep he kicked off.

She went to put a blanket over him, however he flew off the handle and hit her multiple times, as well as smashing her head on the stairs while holding her hair.

There were children present in the flat, although they were thankfully asleep and did not witness the incident.

Shepherd was caught hiding outside and arrested by officers, before giving a no comment police interview.

Mr Jones informed the court that the defendant has three previous convictions for five offences.

In defence of his client, Damian Zelazowski references how he entered guilty pleas when there was no complaint submitted by the victim, where many defendants would have ‘rolled the dice on the prosecution trying to prove the case’.

He said that the relationship had been a volatile one, with both her and Shepherd sometimes acting violently towards one another.

While the relationship has now ended, the victim did not seek a restraining order to ensure the defendant can see his child, to whom she said he was an ‘amazing dad’.

“He accepts his behaviour was entirely unacceptable and improper. He is keen to address his behaviour and ensure it does not happen again,” the barrister added.

Before sentencing, judge Louise Brandon said: “It is clear that the relationship was fraught with difficulties, but you caused her real physical harm and caused her distress.

“You acknowledge there are real issues that need to be addressed and you are willing to work to address them.

“I am quite satisfied that assaulting your partner in her home means the custody threshold has been crossed, and that custody is inevitable. The issue is whether the sentence can be suspended.

“This is a case where work can be done with you to reduce your risk to the public and your future partners.”

Shepherd, of Cartmel Crescent in Chadderton, was sentenced to 12 months in prison suspended for 18 months.

He must also undertake 40 rehabilitation activity requirement days, complete the building better relationships programme and carry out 120 hours of unpaid work.