FOR many pupils, this month will mark the end of their school journey.

Whether it is the end of their time in primary or high school, there will be many happy memories they will take with them.

It is also a time when people look back on their own school memories.

So we asked you what the best thing about going to school in Warrington was.

Here's what you said:

The chocolate shortbread tray bake thing that came hot out the oven at break time at Culcheth High!

Vicki Marie Moffatt

Getting wasted on a bottle of Bells at lunch then throwing up all over the teacher in dance lesson.

Lisa Barker

My mates, best years of your life. You take them for granted when you are there!

John Gaskell

I’d love to go back to my school days. No bills and no worries. All the people we have lost to have back. Feel sorry the world now these poor kids these days are facing a whole lot worse.

Kerry Leyland

Chips, cheese, gravy and sausage roll for dinner literally every day.

Lisa Marie Geraghty

All the sport and it certainly toughened you up for life, especially at English Martyrs!

Simon Taberham

Not having to go to work.

John Hamilton

Loved my primary school Sycamore Lane best days of my life. I have a brick in my garden from when they knocked it down.

Dawn Van Dusen

Miss Norman, my English teacher.

Johnathan Bell

Chips, cheese and gravy.

Lee Woods

I remember in infants if you were naughty the teacher would take your shoes or pumps of you and made you sit on a chair and watch other kids play in playground.

Karen Collins

Nipping out at lunch for dinner and not going back!

Laura Bennett

Going the Kowloon Chippy for dinner and I went Woolston high and I still walk there sometimes.

Stuart Rudd

School holidays.

Sharon Cox

Getting in early and spending an hour in the toilets doing our hair for it still to look the same.

Amy Clare Frost

Dave’s Butty Van at dinner time my god that chips and curry.

Liam Vickers

Danny’s Kitchen.

Acer Naden

That one day a dog ran into the classroom.

Dave Johns

Mr Kirkbride in my last year of juniors, best teacher I've ever had. He helped me with numbers so much. Oh to be 11 again lol.

Amanda Hulse

Snow days, heating system failure and home time.

Jacqui Worrall

Mine was getting 6 weeks off for the summer holidays.

Sean Cirdland

The friends I made and still have today, we are in our 60s.

Carol Williamson Hampson

Ducking when the board duster was thrown at me by the maths teacher.

Tony Watson

Latchford pies. The best thing about Warrington regardless of what the question is.

Ken Place

Been on some amazing school trips, Gullivers World, Camelot, Sankey Valley Park, Walton Hall and Gardens, seen lots of interesting museums round Warrington too etc.

Lucy Elizabeth May Ritson