WARRINGTON Wolves head coach Daryl Powell touched on fan confrontation, Billy Magoulias’ future and Kyle Amor’s debut performance in his latest weekly press conference.

At the end of Wolves’ 40-4 loss to Leeds Rhinos on Friday, forwards Ben Currie and Mike Cooper were seen going over the pitch perimeter advertising hoardings and confront an irate supporter in the North Stand.

Powell was asked this week if he had got to the bottom of what it was all about and if there had been any consequences.

“I haven’t really looked into it too much, I’ve just left that to the club,” he said.

“Fans are frustrated and I think players have gone in just to chat to people and calm a situation down, so I don’t think there’s any inflammation of a situation by those guys going in there. I just think they were trying to calm a situation down.”

The Wire boss was asked about the one-year option in Australian player Magoulias’ contract, and whether it was in favour of the club or the loose-forward at the end of his maiden season in primrose and blue.

Warrington Guardian: Billy Magoulias weighs up his options. Picture: Mike BodenBilly Magoulias weighs up his options. Picture: Mike Boden

“The option is in the club’s favour and I’ll be sitting down with Billy next week or later this week. I haven’t done that yet, so I won’t put it out there as to what that’s going to look like,” said Powell.

Amor, brought in on loan from St Helens for the rest of the season, made his Wire debut off the bench on a difficult night and is expected to feature against one of his former club’s Wakefield Trinity in Super League Round 15 on Sunday.

Powell, asked for his thoughts on the Cumbrian’s performance, said: “I thought he went ok. He’s trained well this week so I expect him to improve.

“He hasn’t had a lot of game time this year, he’s fresh in and we have to give him some time to get tuned with the way that we play and he’ll be great.

“I think from a standards and communication point of view he’s been really good on and off the field.

“It was a tough night on Friday. We’ve got to make sure we get some better nights as we move forward and a better afternoon on Sunday.”