FIVE council chiefs who earned a basic salary of more than £100,000 in 2020-21 have featured on a Town Hall ‘rich list’.

Pressure group the TaxPayers’ Alliance has published its latest Town Hall ‘rich list’.

The key findings include that at least 2,921 people employed by local authorities in 2020-21 received more than £100,000 in total remuneration, an increase of 119 on 2019-20.

Meanwhile, 739 received over £150,000, 46 more than the previous year.

Total remuneration includes, but is not limited to, salary, benefits in kind, expenses, bonuses, any stated election duty fees, redundancy payments and employer’s pension contributions.

The Town Hall ‘rich list’ includes nine Warrington Borough Council officers. Five of these received a basic salary of more than £100,000.

The ‘rich list’ states that, in 2020-21, council chief executive Steven Broomhead had a salary of £151,266, and his total pay was also £151,266.

Deputy chief executive and director of corporate services Lynton Green had a salary of £109,115, but when other payments including expenses and pension contributions were added in his pay totalled £149,364.

Dave Boyer, director of environment and transport, had a salary of £105,669 but when pension contributions were added in his pay totalled £129,973.

Amanda Amesbury, director of children’s social care, has a salary of £105,669, but when pension contributions were added in her pay totalled £129,973.

Catherine Jones, director of adult social care, had a salary of £105,669, but when pension contributions were added in her pay totalled £129,973.

Steve Park, director of growth, had a salary of £95,956, but when other payments included pension contributions were added in his pay totalled £127,739.

Matthew Cumberbatch, director of law and governance, had a salary of £99,759, but when other payments including pension contributions were added in his pay totalled £123,550.

Paula Worthington, director of education, early help and SEND, had a salary of £99,761, but when pension contributions were added in her payment totalled £122,706.

The assistant director for integrated commissioning had a salary of £97,147, but when pension contributions were added in their payment totalled £119,491. The council confirmed they left the organisation on March 31 2022.

The council has issued a short statement. A spokesman said: “We publish information on senior officer’s salaries in our draft statement of accounts and pay policy statement. These are published each year and are available on our website.”