AN incredible four-year-old climbed to the top of Mount Snowdon unaided.

Not only this, but Max Norris completed the climb in heavy rain and strong winds.

Just two days after turning four, Max completed the five-mile trek with his mum, dad, and dog in just three hours and 10 minutes.

Max, who is dinosaur-obsessed and loves cycling, was motivated to the top with the promise of snow and plenty of snacks.

Warrington Guardian:

Apart from being tired and cold, the Lowton youngster was proud of himself and couldn’t wait to tell his friends in nursery what he had done.

His mum, Kerry Norris, said: “There were parts of the climb when we almost turned back as it was difficult for all of us due to the weather but Max didn’t give up.

“We were in total awe of him and impressed by the strength he showed, we both couldn’t believe he had made it all the way up by himself.

“He has amazed everyone.”

Max already has plans to climb Snowdon again in July so he can experience the views on a clearer day.

He also has plans to climb Scafell Pike in the Lake District and when he was only three-years-old he climbed to the top of all three Yorkshire Peaks.

Warrington Guardian: