REBECCA Finn has been at Cardinal Newman Catholic High School, in Latchford, for 15 years and has worked in various roles throughout this time.

She is described as the heartbeat of the school and is always there for everyone – including staff, pupils and parents.

Rebecca had a huge smile on her face after winning the award and said it came as a ‘huge’ surprise.

Events host Elaine Willcox asked her what it means to win the Warrington Guardian's High School Teacher of the Year award.

Rebecca said: “It means an awful lot. The school, Cardinal Newman, is a really brilliant place.

“It is a place where I have been for a really long time. It has fantastic staff and students and I feel very, very lucky to be a part of everything that goes on there.”

Rebecca was described as compassionate, caring, understanding and a huge breath of fresh air by those who nominated her.

READ MORE> Here are the 13 winners of our Warrington Guardian Education Awards 2022

Rebecca said it was a huge surprise to win the award

Rebecca said it was a 'huge surprise' to win the award


Those who work with Rebecca say that she is the ‘driving force’ behind the school’s mental health system. She is always looking at new initiatives to help to support staff and student wellbeing.

Elaine said: “You must have been incredibly busy because we’ve heard a lot about the mental health impact of the pandemic on young people. It has hit them particularly hard, hasn’t it?”

Rebecca told Elaine: “Yes it has been a real challenge for every school and all the staff who have been trying to support the students and do the best they can.

“We are very lucky that we have a fantastic team as well that work day in and day out and really go above and beyond for our students as well.

“And it is great to be able to work with such wonderful colleagues, support staff and everybody in the school community.”

Jo Langstaff, head teacher at the Latchford-based school, said: “Beckie is a truly exceptional colleague.

“She was genuinely shocked to receive this award - but we are not surprised at all!

“She makes a huge difference to the lives of our students.”

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Owen Gifford from Bridgewater High School