A DRINK driver was more than three times over the limit when she crashed outside a primary school.

Lisa Sherratt, of Newbridge Close, Callands, crashed into multiple parked cars outside of Callands Primary School before crashing into a bus stop and driving off.

The offences happened on November 24 during school hours.

The 51-year-old appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to driving a motor vehicle while above the alcohol limit and failing to stop after a road accident.

Warrington Guardian:

Prosecuting, Simon Green told the court that when arrested, Sherratt’s blood reading showed that she had 243g of alcohol in her system.

The legal limit is 80g, meaning she was more than three times over.

Mr Green said that Sherratt has a previous conviction in 2017 for drink driving.

He said that there was significant damage done to both the bus stop and cars hit by Sherratt.

Warrington Guardian:

Defending, Ivan Dickinson said his client has shown remorse and is ‘ashamed’ of her behaviour.

The court heard how Sherratt has ongoing health issues and at the time of the offences she had ‘personal circumstances’.

Mr Dickinson said that although she drove away from the scene, it was only half a mile from her home so was around a one-minute journey.

“This lady has an issue with alcohol. She is alcohol dependent, she still turns to alcohol on a regular basis,” Mr Dickinson said.

“She is currently working with Pathways to deal with alcohol misuse.”

Concluding, the magistrates panel chairman said: “In our view, this was a serious set of offences.”

But the magistrates decided that Sherratt has a ‘realistic prospect of rehabilitation’, so suspended her custodial sentence.

She was handed an eight-week prison sentence suspended for one year and is required to complete 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Sherratt was also disqualified from driving for 36 months.