A ‘LONELY’ drug dealer who called himself ‘dank of Cheshire’ has been jailed after selling cannabis and THC-infused products for more than three years.

Jack Routledge-Wrench, of Knutsford Road, Grappenhall, had been selling these products, which included sweets, chocolate and vapes, from his one-bedroom flat.

Over a period of three years and seven months, it is estimated that Routledge-Wrench made around £50,000.

The 29-year-old appeared before Liverpool Crown Court today after pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply cannabis and THC, supplying cannabis and THC, and attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Prosecuting, Matthew Connolly told the court how in April 2020 officers were alerted to the defendant’s Instagram accounts – named ‘dank of Cheshire’ and ‘dank of Cheshire O.G’.

Warrington Guardian:

The accounts, which were offering THC-infused sweets, known as edibles, and vapes, were linked to Routledge-Wrench.

When a drug warrant was issued for his flat, officers found stock valued between £29,000 and £46,000.

Officers discovered what they considered a large-scale production with every room in the small flat having its purpose, from storage to production to preparation for delivery.

They also found professional equipment such as a heat-sealing item and stickers with the ‘dank of Cheshire’ logo on.

Warrington Guardian:

Mr Connolly said: “He led a well-established and professional operation Cheshire and the UK.

“He played a leading role in his own operation.”

The court heard how after Routledge-Wrench was arrested, he contacted a business which he had bought over 9,000 stickers from in under five months.

He asked them to remove his artwork, all of his purchase history and all things associated him – which formed the perverting the course of justice charge.

The court also heard how the sentencing guidelines for possessing class B drugs were found on Routledge-Wrench’s phone when it was seized.

Routledge-Wrench has one previous conviction for drug driving in 2011.

Defending, Jeremy Rawson said: “He is a rather sad and lonely individual. He has few friends.

“He has qualifications and a good work record and most of his time is spent alone.

“He used his business skills for the wrong reason.”

Mr Rawson said how his client has struggled with his mental health for years and has stopped using cannabis since he was arrested – more than a year ago.

Concluding, judge David Swinnerton said: “He strikes me as a very capable person.

“It is a pity he turned his obvious capability in to something illegal.

“The edibles were packaged in such a way that they looked like children’s sweets which created the risk of them falling into the wrong hands.”

Warrington Guardian:

Referencing the sentencing guidelines found on Routledge-Wrench’s phone, judge Swinnerton added: “You knew full well what you were doing was wrong.”

He was handed five years and three months in prison.

DS Tom Hall said: “The scale of his business was significant, amassing approximately £50,000 in ill-gotten gains and spending thousands on printed labels for the products he was selling.

“All the incredible efforts he put into his ‘business’ will be for nothing as he now faces time behind bars, his assets have been frozen, and the money he made through it will be subject to a Proceeds of Crime Act application.

“Thanks to our team of dedicated detectives and our own team’s drug experts, we were able to track down and shut down this illegal business.

“It was a lengthy and complicated investigation and today’s result is a credit to the officers and colleagues who worked tirelessly on this investigation.

“I hope it serves as a warning to others, we might be putting your door through next.”