A PAEDOPHILE sexually abused an 11-year-old girl before admitting it at a police station.

Stephen Gartside, from Woolston, has been jailed for nearly three years after confessing to his vile crimes.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that the 65-year-old, of Parksway, sexually assaulted his victim and forced her to touch him indecently on a number of occasions.

But he realised then his behaviour had to stop and admitted it to police in July of last year.

Defence barrister Simon Christie told the court: “This is a very sad case.

“He admitted it at the police station, knowing what the consequences were going to be.

“The defendant realises the harm he has done.

“He has not experienced custody before, so that would weigh very heavily on him.”

Gartside was handed two years and eight months in prison after admitting that he incited a child to engage in sexual activity on two incidents.

He will serve up to half of his sentence in custody before being released on licence.

Sentencing, Recorder Katherine Pierpoint said: “It has a long-lasting effect on people.

“Clearly, harm is caused.

“You have shown remorse, you have no previous convictions and you are a man of previous good character. You must be given full credit for admitting it.

“This offence has had a devastating effect on yourself and others.

“In my judgement, only an immediate custodial sentence will do.”

Gartside was also given a notification requirement and a sexual harm prevention order preventing him from having contact with children aged under 16.

Recorder Pierpoint added: “In my judgement, it is necessary in the circumstances in which the offences were committed.”

The defendant gave a thumbs up to his supporters in the public gallery as he was led down to the cells.

Cheshire Police did not provide a picture of Gartside