A KNIFEMAN who stabbed his disabled partner of 13 years in the back in a drunken frenzy has been jailed.

Michael Arnold soiled himself and began self-harming with a kitchen knife at the couple’s flat in Old Hall before turning on his girlfriend, a walking stick and mobility scooter user for whom he had acted as a carer.

Liverpool Crown Court heard on Thursday, March 3, that the victim suffers from health conditions including arthritis and diabetes and the defendant regularly assisted her with tasks including getting dressed, cooking meals and cleaning her home.

The 34-year-old had only been violent towards her on one occasion previously, when he ‘struck’ her.

In the early hours of November 13 last year, the couple returned to their address on Cavendish Close after an ‘uneventful and generally good’ night out in Warrington town centre.

Both were described as being ‘very drunk’, and Arnold was found lying in bed shortly afterwards having soiled himself and been sick.

But around five minutes later he entered the living room and began verbally abusing the complainant, saying: “You’re just a fat cow.”

He then stated that he was going to stab her teenage son and began cutting his wrists over the kitchen sink.

She unsuccessfully attempted to stop him from harming himself before he twice plunged the three-inch blade into the left-hand side of her back.

Arnold, who appeared in court via video link to HMP Berwyn, fell to the floor while ‘rambling’ to himself after the attack.

Meanwhile, his now former partner was rushed to Aintree Hospital with two stab wounds measuring 1cm in length.

She has since made a full physical recovery.

However, she documented the harrowing emotional impact the incident has had on her in a statement which she bravely read out in court – describing how she has been left suicidal as a result and now sleeps with a hammer under her pillow out of fear that Arnold will return.

She added: “I was with Mike for 13 years and there’s nothing I can think of why he would do this to me.

“It’s stupid because I know Mike is locked up, but I can’t help worrying that if he gets out he’s going to come and finish the job. I no longer feel safe in my own home.

“I’ve never felt like this before.

“I can’t believe that Mike would have done something like this.

“He was supposed to love me.

“My dad brought me up as a strong, independent woman and nothing brought me down.

“I’m a loving caring person, but I don’t feel like that anymore. My dad is not with me anymore, and everything he showed me and taught me about being strong has gone.

“I can’t help but think Mike has taken this away from me.

“I’m trying to get back to the person my dad raised, but I struggle to be that person.”

Arnold, who has a history of mental health issues, could be heard sobbing and sat with his head in his hands as her testimony was read out.

Defence barrister Martine Snowdon told the court: “This is a very sad case.

“The defendant has his own different vulnerabilities.

“These two individuals were able to help each other – him caring for her, and her supporting him.

“They did that without difficulty for a long period of time, and that’s what makes it so upsetting for both individuals.

“It was brought to an end in dramatic circumstances with lasting consequences, and he is to blame for that.

“His behaviour was very out of character, and he was in an extremely heightened state of distress. It was an emotionally volatile and dangerous situation, and a very unusual one.

“He is totally devastated to have ended the relationship and physically and emotionally hurt the most important person in his life. He is deeply sorry to her and has lost what is most precious to him.”

Arnold, who has six previous convictions for eight offences, admitted wounding during an earlier hearing and was locked up for two years.

Sentencing, Recorder Timothy Hannam said: “This is a really serious offence.

“You could so easily have killed her.

“The knife was big enough and the force used was enough to have done that, and it’s by pure luck that you did not.

“It’s apparent that this incident has destroyed her life – she feels alone, vulnerable and paranoid.

“She panics, she feels suicidal and her confidence has been destroyed. She is receiving counselling.

“Your actions were a complete betrayal of her trust.

“You were basically paralytic, and you were acting erratically. You were so drunk that you wet the bed.

“She has made a full physical recovery, but has managed anything but physically.

“It’s fair to observe that you have genuine remorse.

“I am invited to suspend this sentence and I have thought very carefully about it, but I’m afraid I cannot suspend the sentence and it must be served immediately.

“This case is too serious for the sentence to be suspended, and I don’t see the prospect of rehabilitation in the near future.”

Arnold, who has been held in custody since the incident, will serve up to half of his sentence in prison before being released on licence.

He was also told to pay a victim surcharge and was given a restraining order preventing him from contacting his ex-girlfriend or entering her street indefinitely.