A DELIVERY driver who stole a television from his employer has been ordered to carry out community service.

DHL courier Arpad Mezei, from Orford, pinched the 32-inch LG TV while working at the firm’s depot in Runcorn in October last year.

Warrington Magistrates Court heard on Wednesday, March 2, that the item was bound for delivery at an address in Liverpool but was never received.

An internal investigation was carried out, with CCTV footage showing the defendant loading the set onto his van without scanning it.

Police then attended his home on Dudley Street and found the television set up in an upstairs bedroom, with the box having been stashed in the garden shed.

The 26-year-old’s actions were described as a ‘breach of a high degree of trust as an employee of the company’.

David Robb, defending, told the court that his ‘foolhardy and stupid client’ had initially stolen the goods for his ill sister to sell but she no longer needed it.

He added: “It’s rather frustrating when a person has lost his good character for a complete act of stupidity in his place of work.

“He himself knew it was inevitable that he was going to be caught.

“It was set against the background of frustration with his employer due to some procedures.

“He’s deeply remorseful for the act of stupidity he undertook on this particular occasion. He vows not to repeat this mistake again.

“Thankfully, such is his work ethic that he has been able to secure similar employment with another courier firm even with their full knowledge of these matters before the court.

“He works six days a week and is more than willing to work the seventh day as a result of his experience in court today.”

Mezei, who has no previous convictions, admitted theft by employee during an earlier hearing.

He was handed a 12-month community order and told to complete 100 hours of unpaid work.

The Romanian national will also be required to pay a £95 victim surcharge and court costs of £85.